We are delighted to announce that Prof. Dr. Fabian Klose will be a Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders in 2024. Prof. Klose is the Chair of International History and Historical Peace and Conflict Research at the University of Cologne and Executive Director of the newly founded Cologne Center for Advanced Studies in International History and Law (CHL). He is an internationally-recognised scholar of international humanitarianism and human rights, and is leading a new project on international crises and global governance during the 1990s which focuses upon notions of international responsibility, humanitarian intervention, the United Nations and concepts of world ordering, and evolving ideas of human security.
We look forward to this collaboration and engagement with Prof Klose’s work and the ways in which it will consolidate our collective capacity to understand the development of international humanitarianism and human rights from the 1940s to the 1990s, building a better bridge between the inter- and post-war periods, placing the post-Cold War in better historical perspective, and feeding into our policy analysis of the lessons for the management of 21st century shocks and crises.