The Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders : All Pages
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- Home
- Research
- Programme Co-Directors
- News and Events
- Blogs
- Publications
- Global Shocks Podcast
- Shocks and Turbulence
- Adaptation
- Interdependence
- Specialised Fields
- 'Human security versus National security: have we lost our capacity for collective action?' with Achim Steiner
- Workshop: 'Experts, Turbulence, and Global Order'
- Book Chapters
- Articles
- Other writing
- People and Partners
- Researchers
- External Advisory Board
- Workshop: Managing shocks: connecting regional and global responses past and present
- The United Nations and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities, with Adama Dieng
- Can International Humanitarian Organisations Adapt to Face the Challenges of this Century?’ with Yves Daccord
- Boyd van Dijk
- Jan Eijking
- Marly Tiburcio-Carneiro
- Isabel Oakes
- Professor Andrew Thompson
- Professor Andrew Hurrell
- Professor Louise Fawcett
- Professor Patricia Clavin
- Books
- Changing Global Orders programme partners with UNDP on policy workshop
- "Preparing for War" by Boyd van Dijk: OUP releases paperback edition
- New publication: Patricia Clavin co-edited volume marking a Century of Keynes's 'Economic Consequences of the Peace'
- Annie Hsu
- Lecture: 'Navigating world orders over five millennia: does the past offer clues to the future?' with Prof Amitav Acharya
- The Predicament of International Organisations in a World Moving to Concentric Cooperation Circles
- New Global Shocks podcast series
- New Changing Global Orders Blog Series
- Contact
- The Global South, Gaza and the rise of Active Non-Alignment
- The Changing Global Orders Programme welcomes Dr Fabian Klose as Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow
- New Blog: Jorge Heine on The Global South, Gaza and the rise of Active Non-Alignment
- Introducing Changing Global Orders Research Assistants
- New episode of Global Shocks podcast
- Workshop on managing shocks: connecting regional and global responses past and present
- The Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders: Use of cookies on this website
- Human Development Report 2023-24: Spotlights
- The Dominance of Neoliberal Environmental Thought in Climate Change Politics
- Boyd van Dijk discusses the history and future of international law on the FT's Rachman Review
- Patricia Clavin lecture on the World Order at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
- Beyond ‘Following the Experts’: Technocrats and Multilateralism
- 'Historical research in the time of the Anthropocene: can climate data help us read the past (and, if so, how)?' (Nicola Di Cosmo, Princeton)
- ROUNDTABLE: "Whose World Order?" with Evelyn Goh (Australian National University), Andrew Hurrell (Oxford), and John Ikenberry (Princeton)
- LECTURE: "Britain, Europe and the Changing Global Order since 1900" (Patricia Clavin)
- 'Experts, Turbulence, and Global Order'
- Displacement and Belonging: Rethinking World Order through Family Histories
- Late to the Party? Decolonisation, Natural Resources, and the Making of States
- New posts in the Changing Global Orders blog series
- States-in-Waiting: An Interview with Lydia Walker
- Charting a Path to Global Tax Justice in the Twenty-First Century
- TALK: 'Crafting a new global order? The United Nations and international politics in the 1990s' with Prof Fabian Klose
- Andrew Hurrell in the Oxford Review of Economic Policy on Geopolitics and Global Economic Governance
- The Changing Global Orders Programme welcomes Professor Stefanie Middendorf as Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow
- Inaugural Lecture of Professor Patricia Clavin, Professor of Modern History at Worcester College
- On Learning, Progress and Global Order: Reflections on International Politics in the ‘Long’ Twentieth Century
- Global Shocks podcast series
- The Hierarchies and Exclusions of Changing Regional and Global Orders: The Rwenzururu Movement and its (In)Visibility at the United Nations
- The Soldier’s Creed: Militarism Comes Back to Life in Africa
- 'Notions of emergency under democratic and dictatorial rule. Experiences from the 20th century ' with Prof Stefanie Middendorf
- 'History, archives, and policymaking: getting humanities research to speak to policy'
- Andrew Hurrell and Louise Fawcett on Global Orders at the ISA
- Louise Fawcett on The changing regional faces of peace: Toward a new multilateralism?
- Louise Fawcett on The changing regional faces of peace: Toward a new multilateralism?
- Making a World Safe for Development: Indonesia and the Revival of the New International Economic Order
- Patricia Clavin and Patrick Salmon discuss history, archives, and policymaking - an OPEN Conversation event