LECTURE: "Britain, Europe and the Changing Global Order since 1900" (Patricia Clavin)

The Oxford-Berlin Lecture


Patricia Clavin, Professor of Modern History Worcester College and Co-Director, the Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders

The lecture reveals how Britain’s relations with Europe during and after the First World War had long-lasting consequences for global governance. This history shows how 21st-century challenges of our interconnected world are far from new. The lecture argues that it is better to see the challenges before us as one of turbulence, rather than expected shocks or crises. It explores how crises and their management are not confined to specific sectors of global governance, such as health or finance. And, it asks what place for Europe, given that for most of the 20th-century all discussions about world order also involved asking questions about the relationship between the regional and the global.


This lecture is a cooperation between the Centre for British Studies and the Franco-German Centre Marc Bloch, associated institute of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

More information at: GBZ_Poster_Clavin_mit_Text.indd (hu-berlin.de)