We are interested in the concept of ‘shocks,’ dismantling the traditional binary between catalytic moments and the perceived stability of ‘normality’ in the often separated domains of politics, the economy, diplomacy, and social relations. Challenging mainstream theoretical approaches in social science and modern history, our work introduces a new revisionist perspective. We systematically dissect shocks across space and time, examining their character, scale, and scope, as well as the responses of institutional actors within broader regional and geopolitical contexts. The concept of ‘turbulence’ forms the crux of our analysis, providing a broader conceptual space to understand the relevance of specific regions and their intricate relationship to emerging global orders.
The historical perspectives we offer help to uncover how globalization has multiplied voices that international organizations and international non-governmental organizations must navigate. As voices multiply, they also become radically differentiated, complicating the contestation of globalization within a shifting power landscape, notably with the rise of China, and a justice shift marked by emerging claims worldwide. This research is crucial for addressing the core challenge in managing future in turbulent times: understanding why the emphasis on ‘shared’ global challenges has faltered in the past and poses risks for the future.